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The Herzen University Studies: Psychology in Education, 2023 (In Rus., abstract in Eng.)

The Herzen University Studies: Psychology in Education. 2023. Issue 6.

DOI 10.33910/herzenpsyconf-2023-6




Agzamova M. M. Psychological study of the characteristics of self-consciousness as a factor in emotional disorders in preschoolers
Alekseeva K. P. Features of the emotional sphere of high school students as a risk factor for the development of eating disorders
Alekhin A. N., Neberekutina E. A.  Unusual living conditions as a factor of mental adaptation disorder
Antopolsky A. K., Antopolskaya T. A., Silakov A. S. The types of group subjectivity in adolescents in a developing social environment
Arshinskaya E. L. Modular program for the development of psychological competence in education stakeholders as a means of overcoming academic overload
Bakhotskaya M. A. Formation of gender representations in preschool children
Balachevskaya O. V. Personality development of medical university students in the process of studying  the course Delicious Chemistry
Bekhter A.A., Chebarykova S. V., Tkach E. N. Predictors of proactive coping of specialists working with families  raising children with disabilities
Belyaeva S. I., Velyugo I. E., Maksimenko K. N. Clinical and psychological characteristics of teachers’ adaptation to distance learning
Butkevich A. Yu. Male and female interpretation of mediation principles
Dukhnovsky S. V.  Types of self-awareness of oneself as a professional
Ermakova N. G. Psychosocial aspects of adaptation after a stroke
Evstratova H. Ye. Metacognitive personality properties of psychology students
Gaivoronskaya A. A. Teachers’ social perceptions of corruption
Gerasimenko N. A. Individual style of activity: Correlation of subjective and objective factors in the professional  activity of a practicing educational psychologist
Gnedykh D. S., Pankinа A. V. The relationship between students’ professional identity and their view of self-directed learning trajectory
Gurieva S. D., Mararitsa L. V., Udavikhina U. A. Innovative organizational climate as a contributing factor to employees’ career potential
Gurieva S. D., Yumkina E. A. Cognitive crafting as a key trigger in a person’s proactive work construction
Gurman J. D., Popova N. N. School-wide psychological thematic weeks in a gymnasium
Ibragimova L. A., Bukharov D. S. Professional deformation of a teacher in view of digitalization
Isaev A. A. Concepts of positive education: A theoretical analysis
Kachimskaya A. Yu., Skorova L. V. Cooperation in the implementation of extracurricular educational activities: Formation of psychological readiness in future teachers
Kapieva A. A., Balachevskaya O. V., Kapieva K. R. Organizing project activities through the mentoring model ‘teacher — university student — schoolchild’
Kaptsov A. V., Yakhina R. R., Egrashkina E. A. Prerequisites for self-organization of certain psychological characteristics in secondary school classes
Karapetyan V. S. Goal-setting and cognitive dissonance in students during an education crisis
Kazakovа L. A. Approaches to research in social empowerment of adolescents with special educational needs
Kinunen T. A., Kazantseva T. V. Approaches to operationalization of psychosocial work environment in education
Kobak A. V., Oganesian N. J. Interaction of motor functions and confidence indicators in women undergoing dance movement therapy
Kochetkov A. E., Chernov D. V. Psychological and educational technologies of social work in the field of education
Kolesnikova E. I. The dynamics of the stages of formation of agency of students in the developmental  environment of a project-based educational program
Korjova E. Yu., Tuzovа O. N. Educational route of orphans from kinship guardianship families: Social and psychological aspects
Kruzhkova O. V., Gilmutdinova D. D., Kruzhkova I. O. School vandalism: A case of change management
Kryuchkova I. M. Socially-relevant projects as a development factor of professional competencies in students
Kudinov S. I., Kudinov S. S. Value and meaning prerequisites for civil and patriotic self-expression of youth
Kushchazli M. I. Research supervisor as a mentor in higher education: Ideas for effective work
Lafitskaya E. K. Bullying among adolescents: Review of recent research
Lezhneva E. U., Veselova E. K. Money attitudes and characteristics of empathy in students of economics and psychology and teacher education
Lezhnina L. V., Pirkina V. G. Relationship of emotional intelligence and individual character features in adolescent students
Lidak L. V. A student’s psychological portfolio as a reflection of the effectiveness of the organization of educational work in college
Lisovskaya N. B., Ikonnikova G. Yu., Pashkin S. B. Mentoring young teachers
Lobanova T. N. Professional motivation and labor interests of higher education participants in                a changing world
Lushpaeva I. I. Professional interaction between psychologists and teachers in child education
Makarova M. V. Conceptualization of destiny phenomenon represented by psychology students
Malenova A. Yu., Malenov A. A., Potapova Yu. V. Research as a way to develop commitment to the city: Evidence from Omsk students
Margoshina I. Yu. Gender specifics of communication of adolescents
Matveeva A. I., Kruzhkova O. V., Vorobyeva I. V. Development of a diagnostic methodology for assessing the motivation for vandalism in adolescents and young adults
Mazilov V. A., Slepko I. N. K. D. Ushinsky’s contribution to the development of psychological science
Mazurov Y. L., Vladimirov I. V., Gasanova R. R. Pedagogical heritage in education for sustainable development: psychological aspects
Mikhailova O. B., Korac I. Development of civic identity in young people through education: Cross-cultural analysis
Mileshin A. A., Balachevskaya O. V. A mentoring system with psychological and pedagogical support: The case of the Equilibrium ‘young doctor’ school for children
Mosyagina A. A., Posokhova S. T. Emotional comfort of adolescents with different levels of self-regulation
Novik N. N. Development of digital literacy in parents of preschool children
Novopashina L. A. Self-determination of students as a condition for the development of professional competence
Obraztsova M. A., Parkhomenko O. G. Moral development of boys and girls 8–9 years old
Petrakova A. V., Otstavnov N. S., Romanenko K. R. What do educational practitioners think about neuroscience: Stage one of the research
Pishchik V. I., Zholdasov D. S. Continuity of generations in the educational process
Polyanskaya A. N. Primary school children’s involvement in the digital environment: Review of available research
Posokhova S. T., Kolpakova A. E. Psychological risks and opportunities of the information family environment
Postnikova M. I. Value of education among Russian youth in the 21st century
Proekt Yu. L., Ivanushkina N. O., Bocharova O. S. A shop in your pocket: Schoolchildren’s ideas about the capabilities of mobile devices
Rabadanova R. S., Arkhipov S. A., Seminskaya E. S. Mentoring students at secondary vocational schools: Psychological and pedagogical aspects
Shedko A. A., Mileshin A. A., Balachevskaya O. V. Preventology at the EQUILIBRIUM ‘young doctor’ school for children
Sheinov V. P.  An abbreviated version of the Communication Skills Test for adolescents and adults
Sokolovskaya V. V., Nazarov M. А., Pastsenko I. О. Moral values of modern youth
Sorokin K. G. Psychological and educational orientation of V. N. Karpov’s dialogues
Sorokov D. G. Psychotechnical model of adaptation as a problem-oriented reference point for designing targeted practices to increase the resilience of educational actors
Staroverova M. V., Kolokolnikova Z. U., Kolesnikova T. A. Social and educational remediation of deviant behavior in adolescent school students through business games
Stepanova K. A. Intergenerational communication as a factor in the development of personal qualities
Stukalenko N. M., Prosandeeva I. A. Assessing the level of readiness of educational psychology students to use health-saving technologies in the educational environment
Telmanova E. V. Modern approaches to understanding thinking in psychology
Tsvetkova O. A., Volkova O. V., Rupeka A. V. Frustration of students’ basic needs as a risk factor for distortion in self-realization during university training
Tuzhikova E. S. Predictors of academic burnout in students of the last year of study
Undusk E. N., Kovalenko A. A. Youth working on the helpline: Personality characteristics
Uvarova I. A., Safonova M. V. A study of the relationships between various parameters of the ‘readiness for change’ competence in different categories of personnel
Veselova E. K. The formation of moral identity in the digital age
Vorobyeva I. V., Matveeva A. I. Development of emotional intelligence in educators as a means of preventing emotional burnout
Vorobyeva I. V., Gilmutdinova D. D. The implementation of programs for the prevention of substance use by students
Voyushina E. A. The influence of values formed in families with different types of intergenerational relationships on the flexibility of human behavior
Zashchirinskaia O. V. Unfavorable family conditions as predictors of psychological trauma in senior school students
Zhang Т., Gasanova R. R. Psychological and pedagogical support in modern education
Zhu F. Relationship between personality characteristics and foreign language learning strategies: Approaches of Chinese scholars
Zimenko O. S., Ponomareva Yu. S.  Role of educator officers in personality development of the cadet corps students
Zlokazov K. V. Law-abiding orientation: An empirical test of the construct
Zvereva M. V., Antonova E. A., Zvereva N. V. Subject/content component of thinking in primary and secondary schoolchildren with mental disorders in different time periods (2012-2023):                        A comparative study
Zvereva N. V., Klak D. S., Strogova S. E. Valuation of arbitrary auditory-verbal memory in school students with mental disorders in different time periods (1990s, 2000s, 2010s)
Zvonova E. V. Organizational diagnostics in training social psychologists
The Herzen University Studies: Psychology in Education, 2022 (In Rus., abstract in Eng.)

The Herzen University Studies: Psychology in Education. 2022. Issue 5.

DOI 10.33910/herzenpsyconf-2022-5


Abdulina R. R., Abitov I. R.,  Gorodetskaya I. M. The influence of superstitiousness of parents on the formation of superstitiousness in adolescents

Andronnikova O. O. Satisfaction of human needs in physical and virtual spaces

Antipina S. S. Socio-psychological determinants of cyber aggression: A theoretical model

Antopol’skaya T. A., Silakov A. S. Additional education programmes and the development of agency in generation Z adolescents

Artishcheva L. V. Structural elements of the subjective experience of mental states: A theoretical review

Avdulova T. Р.,  Mareeva M. M. The feeling of shame in the younger preschool age

Babikova M. R. Internet meme context (analysis of the specifics of interpretation)

Bogoyavlenskaya D. B. Creativity as the realization of the mission of humanity for real-world cognition

Butkevich A. Yu. Compliance with the principles of mediated relations in the teacher-parent dyad

Cherkasova Ye. A. A teacher-psychologist’s level of empathy and attitude to death: The effect on the work with students  at risk of suicide

Churanova T. Yu.  Personal qualities of a teacher which are relevant for a successful training of cadets in military educational institutions

Dukhnovsky S. V. Individual resourcefulness and the functions of time in teachers with different attitudes to time

Dvoretskaya M. J. Psychology of consciousness and worldview in the works of V. I. Nesmelov and its significance for spiritual and moral education

Filatova O. A. The formation of the concepts of “authenticity” and “professional authenticity” in Russian psychology

Gogiberidze G. M. Civic and patriotic education as a target for the interaction of social institutions of the family and school

Ignatenko M. S., Savelieva O. V. The continuity in comprehensive studies of a man by Herzen University psychologists

Iskhakova M. P.,  Tikhomirova M. A. Emotional intelligence of first-year students of medicine and economics

Kaiipbekova I. U. Repertoire of difficult situations of social interaction of adolescents from migrant families

Kaptsov A. V., Kolesnikova E. I. Development potential of student’s agency in the university’s digital educational environment

Kazakova L. A. The manifestation of emotions in adolescents with special educational needs

Kazantseva T. V., Gurieva S. D., Mararitsa L. V.  Job crafting as a factor improving  subjective well-being and success

Kondrakova I. E., Proekt Yu. L., Khoroshikh V. V.  Motivation as a driver for the development of teacher’s inclusive professional competences

Korablina E. P., Khoroshikh V. V., Abramova P. D. A psychologist as a caregiver: Modern identity and image

Korjova E. Yu. F. M. Dostoevsky’s literary characters as a reference point of spiritual and moral self-determination

Kosheleva A. N.,  Lugovaya V. F., Proekt Y. L. Specifics of communication and inclusive competences in teachers

Kremen S. A., Tsitsikashvili  K. P. Novice teachers as targets of school bullying

Kruzhkova O. V., Matveeva A. I., Robin S. D. Using a psychophysiological method to study emotional intelligence of teachers and students

Kunitsyna I. A., Tikhomirova N. S., Yahudina E. N. The emotional and volitional sphere of adolescents brought up in Family Education Assistance Centers

Latu M. N., Tagiltseva Yu. R. Criteria for evaluating information materials taking into account their radicalizing effect on the value and moral attitudes of young people

Lisovskaya N. B., Pashkin S. B., Ikonnikova G. Yu.  Relationship between hardiness and professional burnout in teachers

Lobanov M. D., Tyutyukov V. G. Personal development training as the basis of professional competence of the future teacher

Makhmutova E. N. Innovations in psychological and educational support of students’ economic socialization

Malenova A. Yu., Malenov A. A., Potapova Yu. V.  Subjective well-being as a factor shaping attitude to migration in the students of Siberia

Martianov S. V., Vinogradov I. A. The influence of crowd psychology on building a military team in a military university

Mikhailova V. V., Savinova S. Yu. Project activity of business and management students as a tool of professional socialization at the university

Novik N. N., Salmanova S. M.  Development of cognitive regulation through physical activity in preschoolers

Odintsova O. Yu., Kryukova T. L. Male partner involvement during pregnancy: Phenomenon, manifestations, barriers

Olkhova Yu. V., Safonova M. V. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of life building competence in senior school students

Ozerina A. A. Development of social and culture identity: Social and psychological factors

Parfenova A. G., Safonova M. V. Psychological and pedagogical features in the design of the learning environment

Persiyantseva S. V. Psychological well-being and value orientations in the structure of personal potential of Russian youth

Provorova A. N., Krokoleva  S. S. Konstantin Ushinsky’s views on education through the prism of psychological research

Regush L. A., Orlova A. V., Pezhemskaya J. S.  Modification of the questionnaire Psychological Problems of Youth in the context of digitalization

Rokhina E. V. Personal profile of students prone to boredom

Rudykhina O. V., Uglova A. B.  Personal maturity in adolescents with different levels of certainty regarding a career choice

Sevastyanova U. Yu. A study of the dynamics of parental stress and parental satisfaction with children of different age

Shchukina M. A., Ustyuzhanina E. M. Development of the educational motivation among high school students in English classes

Shirko S. M. Dispositional greed as a determinant of successful student learning

Skorova L. V., Kachimskaya A. Yu. Value-semantic component of the teacher’s educational position

Slepko Iu. N.  The results of upbringing in the context of modern data on the development of the schoolchildren

Solntseva N. V., Pavlova A. D. Yelling as a parenting problem

Sorokov D. G.  From anthropodiagnostics to communicative anthropological formations: Structuring the educational space in the modern society

Tachalova I. L., Parfyonova  N. B. Information and cognitive component of young people’s trusting attitude to internet communication

Telmanova E. V. The impact of supervision on the thinking of counseling psychologists

Tereshchenko V. V.  Psychological maturity of modern youth having regard to the specifics of educational environment

Tuchina O. R., Apollonov I. A., Posmetyuhka L. A. Urban cultural space as a factor in the formation of local identity: The case of the youth of Krasnodar

Tuzhikova E. S. Professional attitudes of employed young professionals and young professional who are looking for a job

Tvardovskaya  A. A. Development of physical activity and executive functions of senior preschoolers in a preschool institution

Uglova A. B., Bogdanovskaya I. M., Nizomutdinov B. A. Components of the information image in social networks as predictors of psychological problems of Russian schoolchildren

Undusk E. N., Chekhova D. V.  Psychological safety of young people with different levels of emotional intelligence

Uvarova I. A., Safonova M. V. Corporate training as one of the prerequisites for the development of the “readiness for change” competence

Veselova E. K. The role of S. L. Rubinstein’s ethically-centered concept of a human for the psychology of moral and values education

Vishnevskaya O. N., Samokhvalova A. G., Tikhomirova E. V. Online support of psychological well-being of young teachers in an educational institution

Volkova E. S., Kaptsov A. V., Panov V. I.  A projective method for determining the state of the students’ stages of formation of subjecthood

Vorobyeva I. V., Gilmutdinova D. D. Current psychological and educational practices to prevent substance use by students

Vysotskaya Z. S., Kineleva V. V., Kosheleva A. N. Innovative potential of the personality of teachers who teach adapted programs

Witten A. A., Ermakova N. G. Development of a correctional program of rehabilitation training for patients after a stroke having regard to the postulates of K. D. Ushinsky

Zhdanova S. Yu.,  Popova A. D., Musikhina V. A. Motivation for entering the Lyceum as   factor in the socio-psychological adaptation of students

Zhdanova S. Yu., Puzyreva L. O. Using artificial intelligence systems in education

Zhdanova S. Yu., Zaripova L. Z., Kandalina A. A. Snoezelen therapy in the regulation of the psycho-emotional state in university students, teachers and support staff

Zimenko O. S., Ponomareva Yu. S. Adaptive abilities in the personality structure of pupils of the Cadet Corps (IT School)

The Herzen University Studies: Psychology in Education, 2021 (In Rus., abstract in Eng.)
The Herzen University Studies: Psychology in Education contains articles accepted for presentation at “The Herzen University Conference on Psychology in Education”. The conference took place 7-8 October 2021.


Abitov I. R., Tubanova M.N., Akbirova R. R. Examinational Stress and Superstitiousness of University Students
Akimova M. K., Persiyantseva S. V.  Effectiveness of various modalities of art psychotherapy: a study of orphans
Antonova Yu. B. Personal resources of a psychologist consultant as a factor facilitating ethical behaviour 
Antopol’skaya T. A., Silakov A. S. Leadership in the development of agency in generation Z adolescents: Research outcomes
Artishcheva L. V. Subjective experience of mental states and the forecasting ability of persons with deviant behaviour
Babikova M. R. Psychological aspects in the perception of graffiti vandalism by the youth of Vladivostok, Russia
Baranova A. V., Mustafina L. Sh. Value and semantic aspects of the choice of possible self in students: A pilot study
Begunova L. A., Lisichkina A. G. Older adolescents and their emotional attitude to the future: Comparative historical study
Bekhter A. A. Adaptation of the Proactive Coping Inventory for a teenage sample: Verification of internal consistency, standardization, validation, and test-retest reliability
Chestunina Y. V., Lisichkina A. G., Asmanova V. M. Satisfaction with life and income in people of retirement age: Regional aspect
Chemodanova M. V. Information and psychological security of a university student
Churanova T. Y. The content of the concept of “training success” of cadets of the higher military educational institution of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Chuvgunova O. A. Coordination activities and extracurricular activities in a modern university: Challenges and solutions
Danilenko O. I., Perminova M. A. Students’ notions of motivation for complying with the rules of etiquette as predictors of etiquette behaviour
Davydochkina Y. S., Safonova M. V. Value orientations of students in military schools and Mariinsky girls’ schools
Dukhnovsky S. V., Belova L. A.  Reasons for the professional and psychological discomfort of university teachers with different attitudes towards professional self-development
Dyachuk A. A., Bocharova J. Yu. Students’ experiences and coping strategies during distance learning
Dzhumailo P. D., Kurapova I. A. The correlation between study motivation and emotional attitude to learning in primary school age
Elistratova K. A., Ryboretskaya T. G. Development of cross-cutting competencies of a modern teacher: Psychology of educational environment
Gerasimenko N. A. Personal profile of a modern educational psychologist
Gharamyan B. G., Mishina G. A. Professional burnout of dentists working with children with disabilities
Glybina I. V. Teaching and educating through classes in Literature: The relevance of age and individual profile of students
Griboyedova O. I. Self-understanding of adolescents with different levels of psychological well-being
Gurieva S. D., Gundelakh O. E. Gender differences in the perception of gender barriers in an organization
Gurieva S. D., Udavikhina U. A. Overcoming the gender gap during the economic crisis: Strategies for women working in an organization
Kaptsov A. V., Kolesnikova E. I., Panov V. I. Differential assessment of mutual transitions in the development of agency: A pilot study
Kaptsov A. V., Matasova I. L., Shatalina M. A. Psychological support for the development of agency in students studying on the programmes in psychology and pedagogy
Kazakova L. A. Study of the life-meaning orientations of psychology students
Khoroshikh V. V., Logacheva E. A. Career plans of international students studying in Russia
Kolbeneva M. G., Kharazyan A. Hr., Alexandrov Yu. I. Increasing personal relevance of learning materials in Russian and Mathematics to generate study motivation in primary school students
Korjova E. Yu., Kormacheva I. N. Practical efforts to reduce procrastination
Korjova E. Yu., Stebenev A. S. The late 19th-early 20th century history of psychological education: Training psychology teachers in theological academies
Korjova E. Yu., Veselova E. K. Personal maturity and professionalism of a practice psychologist
Kosheleva A. N., Kineleva V. V., Vysotskaya Z. S. Innovative potential of teachers with different levels of emotional burnout
Kovshikova O. F., Abashina A. D. Organisational and psychological aspects of individual support of special children on additional education programmes
Krasnova T. N., Feoktistova N. A. Digital support of knowledge assessment as a psychological support for an individual learning trajectory
Kruzhkova O. V., Matveeva A. I. Teachers’ emotional intelligence in digitalised education
Kryuchkova I. M. Potential of the Social Calendar project as a resource for students’ social and psychological training
Laktionova E. B., Tuzova A. S. Personal characteristics of gifted adolescents
Larkina V. A. Social capital of people with disabilities
Leоnenko N. О., Lobanova Yu. A. Psychological well-being in adolescence among individuals with different childhood experiences
Lezhnina L. V., Yegoshina Ye. D. Internet addiction and depression in university students
Lisovskaya N. B., Ikonnikova G. Yu. Motives for choosing a profession among students of civil and military medical universities
Litvinova R. N. Organisational and educational conditions for developing entrepreneurial competencies at a university
Makhmutova E. N. Psychological support for building entrepreneurial competencies in the students of the network generation
Makhnach A. V. Resilience of the foster family
Malenova A. Yu. Express assessment of students’ parental attitudes
Matveeva A. I., Kruzhkova O. V. The virtual city as a source of stress for young people in modern megacities
Mazilov V.A., Slepko Yu. N. Methodology of modern Russian psychology: The relationship between academic and practice-oriented psychology
Menshikova L. V. Use of B.G. Ananyev’s theoretical ideas in organising a psychological service at a university
Miheeva M. V. Psychological and educational support for primary school students with special educational needs in institutions of additional education
Miklyaeva A. V., Proekt Y. L., Khoroshikh V. V. Internet as a medium of modern students’ political activity
Mironova K. V. Value-semantic interaction of adolescents with lyric poems during formative assessment
Misiyk Yu. V., Prikhidko A. I., Rahachova P. S. Qualitative analysis of the Russian-language version of the Intensive Parenting Attitudes Questionnaire through the cognitive interview method
Mititsina E. А., Parfenova N. В., Bizaeva А. А. The emotional well-being of students in the context of distance education
Morgunova M. A. Using psychological support in teaching social and everyday skills to children with ASD
Moskvitina O. A. Comparative historical analysis of social views on the value of work
Motorina N. V. The relationship between individual psychological characteristics of preschool teachers and their ability to effectively interact with preschool children
Nieradka F., Początek G. Selected support strategies for people with ASD during the COVID-19 pandemic
Pakhmutova O. I., Kurapova I. A. Self-regulation style and associated coping behaviour among the employees of the EMERCOM of Russia
Parfenova A. G., Safonova M. V. Design of educational facility environment as a tool for enhancing students’ personal activity
Pishchik V. I. Life scenarios and social axioms of the members of the Information Generation and the New Generation
Posokhovа S. T., Kolpakova A. E. Factor model of the family information environment
Ronzin D. V. The question of the general psychological theory of personality as the basis for a (unified) theory of psychotherapy
Rozhdestvenskiy V. I. Students’ hardiness in the COVID-19 pandemic
Semenov A. L., Ziskin K. E. The concept of an expanded personality as a reference point of the digital path of education
Semenova S. V. Students’ attitudes towards using a psychological support chatbot 
Sevastyanova U. Yu. Age-related changes in self-perception of disability in persons with severe speech impairments
Shchukina M. A. Complex autobiographybased psychography in the training of psychologists
Sheinov V. P., Dziavitsyn A. S. Abridged assertiveness questionnaire
Sheinov V. P., Dziavitsyn A. S. Relationship of social media dependence with the conditions and properties of its victims
Shingaev S. M. Evaluation of the effectiveness of programmes aimed to preserve and strengthen the professional health of managers
Sidneva A. N. Psychological conditions for teaching elementary mathematical concepts to older pre-schoolers: a comparative analysis of approaches
Sidorchuk T. A. Assessing distance learning satisfaction of older students of the Third Age Institute during the pandemic
Skorova L. V., Kachimskaya A. Yu. Educational psychologists’ views on the digitalisation of their professional activities
Sorokov D. G. Psychological training resources for developing self-determination skills in aspiring counselling psychologists: Academic motivation and informed choice training
Sorokova M. G., Odintsova M. A., Radchikova N. P. Contribution of students’ psychological characteristics and level of digital learning environment adaptation to their quality of life
Stavtsev A. A. Education in the 21st century: tasks, challenges and routes
Tarabakina L. V., Zvonova E. V., Skripnik N. S. Humor as a tool for enhancing students’ attention in distance learning
Telmanova E. V. Educational supervision as a factor in increasing novice psychologists’ awareness of their future profession
Tereschenko V. V. Maturity: Case study of Smolensk secondary vocational school and university students
Tikhomirova M. A., Gnedykh D. S., Iakovleva M. V. Learning motivation in first-year medical students forced to switch to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
Tsukhai K. I. Echoes of nihilism among teachers experiencing emotional burnout
Tuchina O. R., Tarasova V. V. The image of the future in conditions of uncertainty (case study of Kuban youth)
Tuzhikova E. S. Well-being and professional motivation of specialist doctors during the pandemic
Undusk E. N., Kulibaba E. S. Study of problematic experiences and coping strategies in adolescents with different levels of emotional intelligence 
Uram P., Skalski S., Kwiatkowska A. Values and materialism as predictors of pro-environmental attitudes
Vasileva S. V., Tsvetova A. A. Preferred self-presentation tactics and status in a student group
Verevkina A. B., Korjova E. Yu. Reading choice in the context of a life path
Vinogradov P. N., Yarkin P. A. Case study of building practical psychology services within Saint Petersburg education system at the turn of the century
Vinogradova Y. E., Gurieva S. D. Social representations of the phenomenon of betrayal as a resource in a social situation
Volkova E. N. Prevention of children and adolescents’ aggressive behaviour in the educational environment: opportunities based on study results
Volkova E. N., Kulkova Zh. G. Potential of the focus group method for the prevention of adolescents’ aggressive behaviour in the educational environment
Volkova E. N., Miklyaeva A.V., Khoroshikh V. V.  Attitude towards one’s own giftedness as a predictor of the psychological well-being of adolescents studying on specialised educational programmes for gifted children and adolescents
Volya E. S. On teacher training research
Vorobyeva I. V. Digital youth deviations: Modern practices in the virtual environment of a metropolis
The Herzen University Studies: Psychology in Education, 2020 (In Rus., abstract in Eng.)
The Herzen University Studies: Psychology in Education contains articles accepted for presentation at “The Herzen University Conference on Psychology in Education”. The conference took place 1-2 October 2020. It was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Project No 20-013-22073).


Herzen University Studies: Psychology in Education (issue 3)


Abitov I. R., Akbirova R. R., Afanasyev P. N. Students’ belief in superstitions during the coronavirus pandemic

Akimov I. B. The role of personal values during the “Creator” agency formation stage in secondary vocational school students

Akopov G. V. Categorical spaces of consciousness as a theoretical resource for the development of modern education psychology

Akopyan L. S. Conscious regulation of emotional states by school students 

Antopol’skaya T. A., Panov V. I., Silakov A. S. A model of personal agency development in generation Z adolescents in a socially enriched environment of additional education

Baeva I. A., Kondakova I. V. Mutual influence of psychological security of the educational environment and well-being of special education school teachers

Baltiyskaya D. A., Parhomenko O. G. Psychological readiness for school in children with general speech underdevelopment

Balyukova I. B., Sekretareva K. L. Individual psychological characteristics and their role in shaping a psychologically safe educational environment

Begunova L. A. Responsibility of adolescents who chose different educational routes for professional self-determination: A comparative study

Bezgodova S. A., Miklyaeva A. V., Yumkina E. A. Smartphone as a learning tool: Psychological analysis

Bogdanovskaya I. M., Koroleva N. N., Uglova  A. B. Metaphorical reflection of adolescents’ psychological problems in an individual fairy tale

Bogdanovskaya I. M., Koroleva N. N., Uglova A. B. Perception of parenting styles in adolescents with problematic Internet use

Borisova L., Nikolova Ts. Rational behaviour in business communication in a digital environment

Burlachenko L. S. A subjective-existential approach to professional identity 

Chernomorets T. V. Readiness for innovative programme implementation and conditions of its development in secondary vocational school training for bank employees

Danilenko O. I., Nosova A. S., Sagitov E. B. Teacher-student interaction: What is seen as inappropriate?

Davydochkina Yu. S., Safonova M. V. Inefficient time management drivers students at Cadet Corps and Mariinsky women’s gymnasiums

Dimitrov I. T. Relationships with peers and subjective well-being at school of young boys from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds

Drobysheva T. V. Consumer preferences of young people in a metropolis: A case study of their smartphone preferences

Dukhnovsky S. V. The attitude of teachers with different “crisis profiles” to themselves as a professionals

Elizarov S. G. Enhanced social environment as a condition for the personal agency
development in adolescents in a difficult life situation

Eremina D. A., Sidorovskaya Yu. M. Emotional state of patients on the waiting list for heart transplantation and preparing for coronary artery bypass graft surgery

Ermakova N. G., Denisova Ch. E., Witten A. A. Meaning-of-life orientations and satisfaction with life in elderly people

Filatova O. A. Neuropsychological difficulties in primary school children: A review of research and representation in the Far Eastern Federal District

Fomina Y. I. Features of neuroticism, conflict and coping behaviour in psychology students

Gabdulkhakov V. F. Training teachers to develop children’s cognitive functions in a multicultural environment

Garifullina A. M., Tvardovskaya A. A. Assessment of the physical and spatial environment for the development of gross motor skills in preschool children under the ECERS-R scale

Gogiberidze G. М., Skrynnik M. А. Social prevention of deviant behaviour in adolescents (a case study of the Moscow metropolitan area)

Golyanich V. M., Shapoval V. A., Bondaruk A. F. Value orientations of students at the Suvorov military school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Gorbatov D. S. Individual and crowd: Spontaneous associations in pre-revolutionary Russian educational psychology

Gorkovaya I. A., Miklyaeva A. V. Empathy in male adolescents with persistent illegal behaviour

Gryadunova D. K., Alekseeva E. V. Resources and risks of online communication for teenagers with accentuated personality traits

Gurieva S. D., Udavikhina U. A. Gender strategies applied by women in their career in Russia

Iakovleva M. V. Patients’ treatment adherence after coronary bypass surgery in terms of their psychosocial characteristics

Iakovleva M. V., Usmanova E. B., Schelkova O. Yu. Psychological and social factors of cancer patient quality of life after amputation of a lower limb

Ignatenko M. S., Telnova E. A. Comparative analysis of professional self-awareness in first-year students and graduates of a pedagogical university

Ivanov S. V. Socio-psychological student training: Problems and opportunities in modern education

Kaptsov A. V., Kolesnikova E. I., Panov V. I. Development of agency in students with analytical and holistic styles of thinking

Kazakova L. А. Creating inclusive educational environment conditions that stimulate adolescents with health disabilities to develop life goals

Khazova S. А., Shipova N. S. Cognitive assessment of difficult learning situations by adolescents with intellectual disabilities

Khodakovskaia O. V., Golyanich V. M., Bondaruk A. F. Adolescents’ psychological health reflected in their self-identification and teachers’ assessment

Khrisanfova L. A. Emotional bias in microgenesis of basic emotion recognition in female participants with different levels of anxiety

Kletsina I. S., Davidova E. V. Gender stereotypes among school teachers 

Korjova E. Yu., Bezgodova S. A., Yurkova E. V. Family situation reflected in the drawings of children and adolescents in kinship care families

Kosheleva A. N., Polskaya D. D. Understanding humour as an indicator of teachers’ professional deformation

Krasnaja E. V., Patturina N. P. Intergenerational identity and resilience in pedagogical university students

Kruzhkova O. V., Vorobyeva I. V. Students’ inclination to commit vandal behavior: Gender aspect

Kuftyak E. V. Psychological well-being of primary school children with different attachment types

Kulinchenko A. V., Shapoval V. A. Personal orientation of the Suvorov military school students and their psychological health resource

Laktionova E. B., Tuzova A. S. Psychological well-being of gifted school students depending on the educational environment

Lebedeva E. I. Mental state recognition based on eye expression in children 7 to 8 y.o.

Levanova E. A., Pushkareva T. V., Seryakova S. B. Theoretical and practical models of municipal and local social and cultural education systems in a metropolis, their development and operationalisation of their components

Lisovskaya N. B., Ikonnikova G. Yu. Conflicts among the teaching staff at school 

Makhmutova E. N. Psychology of individual human capital under conditions of professional mobility in digital environment

Malenova A. Yu., Fedotova E. E. Interrelation of students’ emotional well-being, happiness and life satisfaction

Markova G. A., Gasanova R. R. The formation of juvenile pedagogy as an educational effort in the socialization of adolescents

Menshikova L. V., Lazyuk I. V. Tolerance to uncertainty among university students and its development in the modern information environment

Mironova K. V. Psychological and didactic teachers training: Developing lyric poetry comprehension in adolescents

Moskvitina O. A. Senior school students’ attitude to social values and their cultural self-identification

Moskvitina O. A., Zambeeva Z. Z., Kabardov M. K. Coping behaviour of young teenagers with different severity of Internet addiction in a difficult learning situation

Nekrasova E. V. Relationship between the stages of agency formation and the methods of performing educational actions in students of different years of study

Nikolaeva E. I., Brisberg T. L. Executive functions of preschool children with different lateral preferences

Novik N. N. CrossFit Kids and the development of self-regulation and cognitive abilities in preschoolers

Odintsova O.Yu., Kryukova T. L. Expecting a child in a changing social context: Fear of pregnancy and childbirth in men and women

Ozerina A. A., Timofeev N. E. The visual image of a city perceived by students (on the example of Volgograd)

Panferov V. N., Vasileva S. V., Ivanov A. S. Personal predictors of consistency of personality self-assessments in professional activities of teachers: Evidence from media lectures

Panov V. I., Patrakov E. V. Interference of digital and pre-digital environments as a subject of psychological research

Parfenova N. B., Mititsina E. A., Akimova O. V. Cognitive and operational readiness of future psychologists for professional activity

Perikova E. I., Bysova V. M. Role of personal resources in coping with uncertainty during the COVID-19 pandemic by the final year students: a quasi-experimental study

Pezhemskaya J. S., Stupnikov A. S. Acceptance-rejection by teenagers’ significant adults as a driver of their Internet immersion

Ponomareva I. V. Age differences in the system of psychological defense in adolescence and youth

Proekt Yu. L., Rokhina E. V. Personal problematic experiences during the COVID-19 lockdown

Romanov A. A. Theology students’ satisfaction with the quality of life 

Semenov A. L. Productive education of extended human in the transparent world on digital platform

Seryy A. V., Yanitskiy M. S., Brown O. A. Dependence of the students’ self-concept structure on their meaning-of-life orientations

Sevastyanova U. Yu. Personality traits as maladjustment factors in primary school students with various disabilities

Sheinov V. P. Adaptation and validation of the Smartphone Addiction Scale questionnaire

Shilko R. S., Almazova О. V., Dolgikh A. G. Sociocultural determination of perceived social support

Shilko R. S., Egorov S. Yu., Zinchenko Yu. P. Issues in self-regulation of learning activity in massive open online courses

Shingaev S. M., Simagina I. K., Nyrova I. V. Emotional intelligence as an important quality of a leader in education

Sivrikova N. V., Kharlanova E. M. Behaviour strategies of digital natives during the COVID-19 pandemic

Skorova L. V., Kachimskaya A. Yu. Activity tests in professional teacher training aimed at ensuring psychological safety in the educational environment

Slepko Iu. N. Stages of educational activity development in schoolchildren 

Smirnova O. S., Kunitsyna I. A., Yahudina E. N. Values and motivations of adolescents studying in a cadet class

Somova N. L., Balakina K. P. Important professional qualities of a modern teacher 

Sunnatova R. I., Mdivani M. O., Lidskaya E. V. Personal resource for the formation of agency in high school students in contemporary educational environment: Theoretical and methodological aspects

Talov D. Р., Orlova А. V. Psychological assessment of critical thinking in adolescents

Tarabakina L. V., Zvonova E. V. Emotional leadership of a teacher: A procedural approach to designing programs of effective interaction

Tereshchenko V. V. Perception of children reaching adulthood by parents and teachers

Tkachenko I. V., Sinyavin D. S. Personal resource techniques in psychological support for middle-aged people

Tuchina O. R., Tarasova V. V. Professional identity in a transitive society: A case study of future engineers)

Tuzova O. N., Bolshunova O. A. Interrelation between responsibility and independence in adolescence

Tuzova O. N., Zaytseva K. V. Teenagers’ attitude to school marks 

Tvardovskaya A. A. The role of physical activity in the development of executive functions in preschool children

Vakhantseva O. V., Almazova O. V., Novikova Yu. A. The risks of online learning: Procrastination in students during COVID-19 lockdown

Vasyutenkova I. V., Masharova V. A. Professional and personal development of a teacher in the context of digitalization of modern society

Veselova E. K., Korjova E. Yu., Rudykhina O. V. Students’ subjective well-being indicators and intrapersonal as well as social and psychological health resources

Vilenskaya G. A. Individual characteristics and adaptation to school in first-graders with disabilities

Vinogradov P. N. Psychological issues of environmental education: Research tradition in Herzen school of psychology

Vinogradov P. N., Yarkin P. A. Perception of environment-related moral dilemmas in modern students

Volkova E. N., Miklyaeva A. V. Psychological well-being of teenagers studying at special educational programmes for gifted students

Vorobyeva I. V., Kruzhkova O. V. Urban stressors: A study of youth perception 

Voyushina E. A. Transmission of family values in families with harmonious and disharmonious intergenerational relationships

Zlokazov K. V. Development of extremist attitudes among teenagers and the change of their perception of social environment


The Herzen University Studies: Psychology in Education, 2019 (In Rus., abstract in Eng.)

The Herzen University Studies: Psychology in Education, 2018-1 (In Rus., abstract in Eng.)

The Herzen University Studies: Psychology in Education, 2018-2 (In Rus., abstract in Eng.)